Friday, September 7, 2007

Would you like your ass handed to you as well?

I guess this will be some sort of a vent post, but oh well. That's how I usually start off anyways. How can some people be handed everything in life, yet still find the balls to complain about how lousy they have it? **Sob, poor me, boo hoo** Give me a break. Grow the hell up. I know people that have parents who hand over what ever their little hearts desire. Seriously--need a new car? Ok. Need rent paid every month? Ok. New clothes? Got it.

While there are times when things get rough and I can totally understand helping out, there comes a point when it's time to take responsibility for yourself and your actions. I say this b/c if you are having a hard time w/ money, don't got out and pay $60 for a massage. You do NOT need to go to Abercrombie and spend $300 on a pair of jeans and 2 shirts. You do NOT need to buy "enhancements" for your vehicle (Which your parents bought). For God's sake, grow the f*** up and take care of yourself. Ack, it irks me to NO freaking end. Parents become the enablers and then wonder why their kids don't appreciate anything and expect to be bailed out of every situation while they blow their money on trivial crap.


On the brighter side of things, Miss Hannah is doing better! We went back to the doctor yesterday and she's up to 10 lbs 9 oz--oink, oink! We've increased her Prevacid to twice daily and now I can't have any dairy. Oh man, that sucks. Big donkey balls. I drink milk all the time and eat cheese like crazy. Not to mention yogurt. oh well, anything to make Hannah feel better. Plus her doc said she's got a nasty case of colic mixed in w/ her reflux, but the good news is she should be outgrowing her colic soon--Yippeeeeeeeee!

We got her 8 week pictures taken a couple days ago. I can't believe how much she's changed, oh my goodness. It makes me teary eyed to see our little girl growing so fast. I just want to throw a quick YAY out to Sears for providing a 20% military discount b/c I am getting ready to piss all over their parade.

The photographer was this ancient lady who was slower than me 9 months pregnant in a marathon during the hot July weather. Her breath was atrocious (we refer to that as dragon breath, or DB for short) and she was LOUD. Scared the living crap out of Hannah multiple times and me too for that matter. By the time Hannah would stop screaming and have a smile, DB was too slow to get the hell out of the way for a picture. Jeezy peets, we were there for 2 1/2 hours. Need I say more? So I pulled a bottle out to soothe Hannah a bit between pics and the lady looks at me in disgust and says, "You don't nurse"?

I tell her, yes, I pump all the time. DB says, "Nursing is just not for you, huh?" I reply, "No, not really". DB goes into this long speech about nursing and how her daughter nurses twins blah blah blah. Then she pisses Hannah off again and while she's screeching her lungs out (I think trying to tell DB to back the hell up and brush her teeth) DB says to me "Why don't you go ahead and nurse her for a bit?"

I say No, we dont' really do that, her bottle was fine. I have no problem whatsoever w/ mamas who nurse in public, I'm glad they feel comfortable enough to do that. Me, on the other hand--I rarely do it at home, let alone in a photo studio w/ DB hovering over me. Plus when Hannah is so pissed and screaming she wants nothing to do w/ my boobage.

DB gets huffy. I ask if she's the only photographer here. Unfortunately, yes. Ugh. So it looks as if we wont' be going back to that Sears.

Personal Note to DB: And might I mention that while yes, I received 3 sheets free as part of my gift certificate, it does NOT mean I want to spend even more money on pictures. And when I explain that I am getting her pictures taken every month for the first year, don't roll your freaking eyes at me and proceed to try and sell me your crappy little collage that sucked ass. I do NOT want pics of Hannah screaming because while you think it's cute, all our pictures at home are of her screaming. I am not paying for those ones, idiot. Perhaps if you wouldn't get a centimenter from her face w/ your nasty breath and loud obnoxious voice, she may have been more cooperative. Oh, and I don't appreciate you snatching her up from the platform and trying to soothe her. I am her mama, that is my job. And when she quiets down the second I take her, don't give some crap comment about it. Lady, while I may be new at this, she is MY daughter and I know what works somewhat, but I know what definitely does NOT work. You are it.


Anonymous said...

Wow, what a cow! I'd call the manager over there and open a serious can of whoop-ass on DB. It's none of her G-D business how you choose to feed your child! Gaah, that makes me mad.

gail said...

She was an EVIL EVIL cow. EVIL.

That said... amen to your first paragraph. I get so frustrated with the "Gimme" people who get and then well, that's a vent for my own blog.

Katrina said...

*hangs head in shame* my parents got me a new car recently...but i swear they don't pay for anything else! we poor folk lol.

i can't believe DB...I can't believe she even touched Hannah..I would have been mortified! Did the pictures come out nice though?? I can't wait to see them!

Marty, a.k.a. canape said...

Ooooo, I like the snarky Jaime!

labugga said...

I am thoroughly impressed with this side of you, Jaime.

Send DB a tongue scraper. Nasty.

Anonymous said...

You go girl! Way to stand your ground! Tell old dragon breath to crawl in a whole and know the rest.

Valerie said...

You're just as funny as your mom, why is it we didn't hang out more when you lived here????? If you were your mom you could have pulled a peppermint out of your big bag o shit and gave it to DB! Can't wait to see the pics!

Kris said...

She is horrible! She won't have that job long with an attitude (and breath) like that! Horrible woman!

On your first paragraph....I hate people like that. Reminds me of my sister and that irritates me to no end! >:o(