Saturday, August 18, 2007


I really need to update this, but I haven't had the time. Hannah has decided the past two nights that she does not like sleeping and would rather keep her mommy and daddy up at night. What happened to the waking up at 0230 and 0530 and that's it? She's a hungry little piggy when she wakes up now--even makes the snorty sounds.

Oh, and I found a huge frickin' spider on our back step yesterday. H-U-G-E. I seriously thought it was a dead mouse when I looked at it, but no. It was a nasty spider. And I thought it was dead until I took a picture of it and the legs started moving. OMG. So when I squished it, I was sure to use Josh's shoe, not mine. Hehehehe.

I swear, the next entry I make (hopefully I can do it tonight) will be Hannah's birth story. I really need to type that so I don't forget certain details (as much as I'd like to forget certain ones). There is other things I'd like to type out now, but dang. I can't right now. And 5 weeks post partum. That's all I have to say--and not nearly as torturous as I had envisioned. It's nice to be back in the swing of things!

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