Friday, August 10, 2007

Another day

Another sucky hot humid day in SC...wonderful. I hate to start this off bitching, but it's hard to ignore the scorching sun and blast of fire when you open the door to let the dogs out to pee.

Anywhooooo...Miss Hannah is making out like a bandit lately. She received a package yesterday from my friend Jenn (lots of cool books) and today she got TWO boxes in the mail. One was an embroidered birth announcement my great-aunt made. It was completely unexpected and I love it! The second was from Josh's friend's parents back in Indiana--2 cold weather outfits. I am SO glad we got those b/c she only has about 2 pair of pants and we're moving North in a couple months. Can't exactly deck her out in sun dresses this winter. Tends to get a bit nippy in Indiana.

Right now she is blissfully sleeping in her swing. Maybe not blissfully, she makes occasional grunting noises that resemble a pig snorting and then laughs...who knows what's going on in her little head. She slept so well last night I thought I was dreaming. Ahhh, the peacefulness of 3 hours of sleep at a time for me!

Josh had to get up at 0445 for work and he's still sick from yesterday. Ever since his surgery (back in May) he's had problems. It's been over 2 months so I thought things would be easier by now, but nope. He has no heart burn or reflux symptoms, but sometimes his stomach hurts a lot and he gets nauseated. Threw up a few times yesterday, thank goodness not at home. I can't stand puke. Yes, I'm a RN, and I can't stand puke. Makes me gag every time.

And now a shrill cry from Hannah drags me away...

but she's still sleeping. She does that sometimes, cries out, and when I check on her, she's still snoozing.

I was SO crabby yesterday and about bit Josh's head off. I guess mostly b/c I am nervous about him getting out of the Army--not getting out of the Army, I guess, just the security of the pay check. There is nothing that could make me want him to re-enlist, even the 30K bonus. The only thing that tempted him was the fact he is eligible for his E7 and that's awesome. I will be less nerve-wracked when the car wash is up and running and we sell the frickin' house. These next couple months are going to be hectic and it's already busy enough w/ little missy.

I just think about the past year, how I left literally almost everything I ever knew and moved down here. I don't' regret a single thing, it was just a hassle getting things ready and that was just me and the dogs--Hannah will make things more interesting, to say the least. And we won't be getting rid of everything like I did back in Ohio. I had a huge yard sale and what I didn't sell, I gave to Goodwill. All my furniture, dishes, TVs, washer / dryer...everything. I didn't need them, Josh had everything brand new and I didn't feel like packing all my crap to haul down here. So my step-mom (Tam) and I packed up my car w/ Bing, Trax, and my clothes and her car w/ my wedding dress and made the trip down here. Best decision of my life--I can't imagine if I had waited the two extra months like I had originally planned. Being 525 miles away from Josh was sucking the life out of me, so I made a snap decision and acted on it. :)

There is not a single day that goes by that I don't thank God for all He has done for us. After all I have been through in my life, all the hardships and abandonment, what I have now is like a reward for it all. I wouldn't change a thing from my past b/c I wouldn't have ended up where I am now and what I have now. I am so blessed.

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